How to Create the Perfect Instagram Bio

First impressions are everything – even when connecting with others on social media. For most platforms, your bio is the first thing people see when they visit your profile. It helps users figure out who you are, what you do and where to find you. 

When thinking about Instagram specifically, the information in your bio can make or break overall branding and audience reach. To help nail that first impression, Social Stamina is here to help you create the perfect Instagram bio!

What is an Instagram Bio?

Instagram bios let you explain what your account or business is in your own words. Once published, this blurb of text appears under your profile picture, Instagram handle, and follower counts. Make sure you choose your words wisely because everybody can view this bio – whether your profile is public or not!

So, what is so important about perfecting these 150 characters on your profile? Well, this is usually the first place users turn to for company information! New and old followers can learn the essential aspects of your brand without having to search elsewhere.

How do I Change my Instagram Bio on the App?

First, open you Instagram app and click on the avatar icon in the bottom right-hand corner. At the top of your account, you should see an Edit Profile button. Click there to be directed to a list of different elements. Type in whatever you like and hit done to transform your profile.

What Should my Instagram Bio Include?

Above all else, stay creative and stay concise! Your Instagram bio should only include critical information about your services, industry, or level of work experience. If you have enough characters, add your hours of operation and company slogan as well.

Fun tip: Break up lines of text to improve your Instagram bios' readability. We recommend starting each line with an emoji to add some personality to your profile. See this trick in action here (and why don’t you follow us while you're there too).

What Instagram Features Should I Utilize in my Bio?

When in the edit profile section of your account, you will see other elements that will make your Instagram bio standout. Here are some of our favorites available for professional Instagram accounts:

  • Tag other Instagram accounts you enjoy or partner with

  • Link to your company website

  • Include a general business location such as New York City or your store’s direct address

  • Share your preferred pronouns

  • Choose the industry you want to represent your business

Do You Need Help Creating the Perfect Bio for Your Instagram?

The reassuring thing about an Instagram bio is just how versatile it can be. You are free to change and reword it until it fits you and your brand perfectly. However, for some, a bio may not come as easy.

Do you find yourself losing hope in figuring out how to craft a top-notch Instagram bio? Unsure what information should make the cut? That is one of the many things Social Stamina can assist you with! Contact us today to learn more about our social media marketing services.

Social Stamina