How Can I Make My Holiday Social Media Posts Stand Out?

With endless celebrations, seasonal traditions, and memorable moments approaching – now is the time to up your festive social media content. Our Social Stamina team has five tips on how to stand out during the busy holiday season.

Use Puns or Quotes in Your Social Posts

Nothing gets social media users excited like a good joke or pun. Making people laugh is one of the quickest ways to build connections online. In a sea of general happy holidays posts, you can be the one to break the norm and put a smile on users' faces. 

Quotes are another easy content idea that can transform your profile. Research quotes that resemble holiday feelings – gratitude, joy, remembrance – and make graphics with them. This relatable content is easily shareable, pushing your follower count to new heights. 

Encourage Conversation in Your Holiday Posts

The more engagement you receive, the more likely you will appear on feeds and explore pages. How do you do this? Startup conversations! Make “this or that” graphics that stir up friendly debates, ask questions in your captions, reply to comments, or re-share posts on your story with an interactive Instagram sticker. 

Some questions you can ask include: how or where are you celebrating, what are you grateful for, your resolutions, your favorite thing about a specific holiday, etc. 

Try to Post Ahead of the Holiday Schedule

Yes, the holidays bring happiness and joy to some but let’s be honest – it brings on stress to most

Because everyone is posting extra content online during this time, it is beneficial to plan your next social media move. If you really want to stand out, post festive content the day before or very early the day of. This strategy ensures users see your post before the holiday madness begins – and checking their social media becomes an afterthought. 

Stay in Line with Your Company Branding

Above all else, stay in line with your company branding. Followers are used to your specific content and react well to holiday-themed social media posts that still align with that. You wouldn’t want to confuse your followers or mess up your well-branded feed. Try to incorporate company colors and fonts in graphics or photographs of team members partaking in seasonal activities!

Be Genuine With Your Content

So many emotions surround the holidays – both positive and negative. It's critical to portray your true self despite the unrealistic expectations that ensue during this time. Be honest with how you are feeling and what holiday content you want to share. 

Social Stamina Can Help With Your Holiday Social Media Marketing Efforts

It may be hard to believe, but users connect and react more to this genuine type of content. Ask deep questions, offer help, and show the awesome people behind your brand– your post will naturally standout just for being YOU!

Let us help you put this personal flare on your holiday posts – contact us today to set up your socials before the season comes in full swing!

Social Stamina